Learn what edible plants are already growing at your feet! Eat wild salads all year!
There are many great resources online teaching wild edible plants. Search around.
Our favorite book on the topic is Euell Gibbons’ Stalking the Wild Asparagus, 1962.

- Ediblewildfood.com is an awesome website devoted to teaching edible wild foods, including weeds, mushrooms, trees, flowers, and aquatics. Great pictures, articles, recipes!
- This article from Practical Self-Reliance covers many of the most common wild edibles that we eat every day. If you are starting at square one – start here!
- See our Recipes page for more ideas.
- Our handouts below cover the most common edible weeds that grow at Red Beet Row, and the time of year to look for them. There is even a handout on foraging and preparations.

Caution: Be sure you know what you are eating first. Especially mushrooms – mistaken identity can sometimes be fatale. As with any new foods, approach with caution. Unfamiliar food can illicit allergenic responses in the body and/or uncomfortable digestion.
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